


 Hotel Senec****, Senec, Slovak Republic

October 8 – 9, 2013

hotel Senec

Organized by:

DECOM, a.s. and Slovak Nuclear Society


16 years ago, the Czech and Slovak subjects involved in the geological disposal development programmes came to an arrangement of annual bi-lateral seminars on radioactive waste and spent fuel management, particularly its disposal in repositories. Since then, the seminar has spread wider to “Regional Central-European”, with participation of many renowned experts also from other countries. This year, the honour to hold the 16th Regional seminar has fallen to DECOM’s share.

The main objective of seminar is to provide a common platform for experts and decision makers to discuss policies and strategies for the safe management of RAW, examine possible approaches for disposal of RAW, share experiences and explore future directions. In spite of the differences between national concepts and status of particular programmes, many common problems can be identified. Sharing experiences and identification of commonalities should be a basis for closer co-operation of involved subjects within the region.

Seminar Location

The seminar will take place in the Hotel Senec****. It is a famous touristic destination located in western Slovakia that offers beautiful lakes, sport facilities and a number of attractions nearby. The town of Senec is easily reachable via highway, gateway airports are Bratislava (25 km) and Vienna (100 km).

Scope of Sessions

  • New approaches in RAW/SNF management,
  • Technical problems and achievements in design, siting and operation of RAW repositories,
  • Public involvement aspects of RAW management.

General Information

The seminar will consist of oral presentations in English, no translations will be provided. All presentations are planned to be given in plenary sessions. Organizers will provide the seminar proceedings on CD-ROM for all participants.


The registration fee € 100 includes participation in sessions, special evening (incl. accompanying person), lunch, dinner, break coffees as well as a copy of the proceedings.


Hotel reservation at Hotel Senec****:

Key Dates

Deadline for receipt of registration form: 15 September, 2013 doc
Deadline for receipt of electronic version of papers: 30 September, 2013

Contact Information

The following person may be contacted for further information or assistance:

Dr. Jozef Pritrsky Decom, a.s. info
Tel.:   ++ 421 33 599 2088
Fax:   ++ 421 33 552 1077

Program of Seminar doc
October 8 (Tuesday) October 9 (Wednesday)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch, Registration, Hotel Senec **** 09:00 – 10:20 Technical Presentations IV
13:00 – 14:10 Technical Presentations I 10:20 – 10:40 Coffee Break
14:10 – 14:30 Coffee Break 10:40 – 11:50 Technical Presentations V
14:30 – 15:40 Technical Presentations II 11:50 – 12:00 Closing of the Seminar
15:40 – 16:00 Coffee Break 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
16:00 – 17:10 Technical Presentations III
18:00 – 22:00 Dinner (Special evening)


Registration by post

Address for sending registration form by post:

DECOM, a.s.
Sibirska 1
917 01  Trnava
Slovak Republic

Registration forms

Registration by e-mail

Address for sending registration form by e-mail:

Map (click the map to enlarge)