Pánik, Progress in Nuclear Energy 2013
Pánik, M., Nečas, V. (FEI STU): GOLDSIM Models of Long-term Radiation Impact of Conditionally Cleared Radioactive Material, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 67, August 2013, Pages 88-97.
Hrnčíř, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013
Hrnčíř, T., Pánik, M., Ondra, F., Nečas, V. (FEI STU): The Impact of Radioactive Steel Recycling on the Public and Professionals, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 254 – 255, Issue 1, June 2013, Pages 98-106.
Prítrský, Progress in Nuclear Energy 2012
Prítrský J., Nečas V. (FEI STU): Impact of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle IMF on Geological Repository Performance, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 54, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 36-40.
Zachar, Progress in Nuclear Energy 2011
Zachar, M., Daniška, V., Nečas, V. (FEI STU): Improved Analytical Methodology for Calculation Assessment of Material Parameters in the Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Process, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 53, Issue 5, July 2011, Pages 463-470.
Bezák, Nuclear Engineering and Design 2010
Bezák P., Daniška V., Rehák I., Nečas V. (FEI STU): Algorithmisation of Nuclear Installations Equipment Dismantling, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 240, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 4103-4110.
Vaško, Progress in Nuclear Energy 2009
Vaško M., Rehák I,. Daniška V., Nečas V. (FEI STU): Integrated Material Flow and Radioactivity Distribution Methodology within the Calculation Tool for Evaluation of Parameters for Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 51, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 82-85.
Prítrský, Journal of Electrical Engineering 2006
Prítrský J., Matejovič I., Ondra F., Nečas V. (FEI STU): Assessment of Gas Producing Radioactive Waste Disposal, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 57, 2006, Pages 235-237.
Krištofová, Health Physics 2004
Krištofová K., Rehák I., Vaško M., Daniška V.: Decommissioning Activities for NPP A-1 in the Slovak Republic, Health Physics, Volume 86, May 2004, Pages. 90-93.
Daniška, Energia budúcnosti 2004
Daniška V., Rehák I., Vaško M., Prítrský J., Krištofová K., Bezák P.: Computer Code Omega for Calculation of Costs and Other Decommissioning Parameters. Energia budúcnosti, ISSN 1335–7735, Volume 5, May 2004, Pages 6-9.