DECOM, a.s. is a company with more than 20 year history, providing engineering and consultancy services in nuclear area for custumers in Slovakia and abroad. |
In 2015, successful cooperation between DECOM and WAI company began. The objective is to update the OMEGA costing tool, which represents the key feature of DECOM company for the decommissioning costing and funding purposes. Main idea is to merge the ISDC itself, costing methodologies based on the ISDC, recent trends in decommissioning costing and funding, lessons learned and know-how of DECOM employees along with principles of transparency, modern software design and user-friendliness into one compact and flexible working package – eOMEGA. In 2016, eOMEGA funding was successfully developed and deployed at National Nuclear Fund of Slovak Republic. Currently, works on eOMEGA costing is in progress. eOMEGA costing versions for both the research and power reactor should be developed by the end of 2016. Detailed description of eOMEGA software tool may be found at web page |
Decision making company management of DECOM, a.s. consists of Stockholders’ Meeting, Supervisory Body, Board of Directors and General Director. Stockholder’s Meeting The Stockholders’ Meeting is the highest company body. It consists of representatives of the sole stockholder – the company VUJE, a.s. Supervisory Body The Supervisory Body supervises a performance of the Board of Directors and implementation of business activities, scrutinizes final accounts and division of profits proposal, and submits their statement to the Stockholders’ Meeting. The Supervisory Body consists of three members, elected by the Stockholders’ Meeting. Director General The Director General of DECOM, a.s. company is Dr Jan Timulak. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is a statutory representative of the company, which manages all activities of the company, acts on behalf of the company including legal transactions. The Board of Directors consists of three members, elected by the Stockholders’ Meeting. |
DECOM, a.s. Sibírska 1, 917 01 Trnava SLOVAKIA Tel.: 33 599 2076 web: GPS: |